
Shamanic Healing is a practice that seeks to treat multiple facets of an individual: physical, mental, and emotional. Shamanic healing isn’t just for illnesses, either. Some imbalances within the spirit can manifest as bad habits, difficulty with relationships, or even difficulty with money. Drumming, chanting, soul retrieval, and shamanic journeying have all been reported to have beneficial effects on participants, with some people experiencing a degree of relief immediately afterward. While the shaman can identify where an imbalance is, develop a plan for correcting it, and make adjustments on the spirit plane, the final healing has to come from within the patient. A person has to want to heal, and be willing to put in the work to maintain this balance, for a shamanic healing to be complete.

What happens in a Shamanic Session - A Shamanic Session with Luke in The Healing Forest starts with a short stroll through the forest for grounding purposes and to unplug from the everyday stresses. We move into the Shaman room to chat about what’s going well and not so well in your life. We then both explore a modality which will serve you best at that time , whether it is a Journey, Soul Retrieval, CBT, Reiki , Hypnosis, Sound or Crystal Healing. Luke’s goal for each session is for a client to feel lighter in themselves and have more clarity in his or her life’s purpose.

What is Shamanic Journeying?

Shamanic journeying is simply a way of using one’s spirit-self to retrieve information. During a journey, the shaman meets with the spirit guides, spirits of gods, goddesses, lesser divine spirits, animals, ancestors, shamans who have passed on, or even the spirits of plants and places. These spirits can speak directly to the shaman, or act out scenes that provide answers in a symbolic form.

What is Soul Retrieval?

In Shamanism, a person’s vital, spiritual essence has a way of protecting itself from trauma. During a traumatic event, part of the soul may splinter off to avoid experiencing it. This piece of the soul would ideally re-integrate once the trauma is over, but this doesn’t always happen. If it remains lost, that loss is part of what causes the long-term effects of trauma. In a soul retrieval, the healer undertakes a shamanic journey to go get it back and reunite it with the rest of the patient’s vital essence. Once this reunion has taken place, healing can begin. Many people report feeling better immediately after the soul retrieval. For other people, the retrieval is the catalyst that allows other therapies to work more effectively.

How does Soul Retrieval Work?

Unfortunately for a lot of people, trauma is often caused by another person. This means that a portion of that person’s spirit may take a piece of their victim’s vital essence hostage. It’s similar to the saying that “hurt people, hurt people” — the perpetrator lost part of their soul through trauma, and goes in search of other souls to try to feel whole again. This means that the shaman must bargain the perpetrator’s spirit into releasing the piece of the victim’s soul. Sometimes, pieces of a person’s vital essence are simply lost and wandering in the spirit worlds. In those cases, the shaman has to track them down to bring them back. They may need to ask spirit guides to aid them in their search, or even disguise themselves in order to enter dangerous parts of non-ordinary reality. Once the shaman has the lost piece of a person’s soul, they return to the physical world. This piece of the soul is then generally blown back into its host at the conclusion of the ritual. At this point, the person can begin the work of re-integrating the soul back into their psyche.

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